I've been in a thinking mood the past couple days. I got some serious interest in my crafts from some of the girls at work and I'm wondering if maybe I should start an Etsy page... I thought about just starting my own business, but really, that's a lot of work and effort for something that may or may not take off. At least Etsy is just $0.20 to list initially. It's affordable, and if things don't sell in the 4 months they're up there, then so be it. It wasn't meant to be.
I need to get some stock compiled, which means this wouldn't be launched until after the first of the year.
I think this needs some more mulling....
Friday, December 10, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
I ordered a couple holiday-esqe candles from Gold Canyon and I got them today. They smell fantastic and I can't wait to fire those critters up when I get home today! I got Mulled Cider and Spruce & Citrus. Now our house will actually smell like a x-mas tree (since my fake tree, sadly, is not scratch & sniff).
On another positive note, I finished the final square for Niece #1's afghan on Saturday! Now I'm in the process of blocking the suckers so that the afghan will be a nice neat rectangle with no puckering when I sew it together. Actually, my mom will be helping me sew it together this weekend. Thank goodness she volunteered, otherwise I might not have it done in time.
I've started working on a hat from Lion Brand Yarn for Salt for X-mas, here's what it'll look like when it's finished:
It's going to be this color:
The color is really a lot prettier in person. There's flecks of yellow in there. To be honest, though, this cap is a pain in the butt. I'm terrible at keeping count while I'm crocheting because I'm usually watching TV or something else that requires brain cells... this is taking many brain cells and stitch markers to complete. But that's ok, it's worth it, and if I like it, I'm going to even make myself one!
I've still got to get a shawl done for my sister before the 26th....time is a-tickin'. I just wish I could crochet at work (other than at my lunch break), that would help me get a lot more done! Ha!
On another positive note, I finished the final square for Niece #1's afghan on Saturday! Now I'm in the process of blocking the suckers so that the afghan will be a nice neat rectangle with no puckering when I sew it together. Actually, my mom will be helping me sew it together this weekend. Thank goodness she volunteered, otherwise I might not have it done in time.
I've started working on a hat from Lion Brand Yarn for Salt for X-mas, here's what it'll look like when it's finished:
Cute, no?
It's going to be this color:
The color is really a lot prettier in person. There's flecks of yellow in there. To be honest, though, this cap is a pain in the butt. I'm terrible at keeping count while I'm crocheting because I'm usually watching TV or something else that requires brain cells... this is taking many brain cells and stitch markers to complete. But that's ok, it's worth it, and if I like it, I'm going to even make myself one!
I've still got to get a shawl done for my sister before the 26th....time is a-tickin'. I just wish I could crochet at work (other than at my lunch break), that would help me get a lot more done! Ha!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Online Personas
I've got a bone to pick! Why do people feel the need to make snarky asinine comments then hide behind their computer screens? Would they really say that to someones face? Doubtful, because they'd get their asses kicked, or get a swift punch in the face. So why do they feel that anonymity gives them the god-given right to say it online?
Sometimes humanity disappoints me. For instance, today I read a really nice article about a friend of a friend who did a really great thing and what do I read in the comments below the article?? This: "Jeez this a long story about some yuppies geting free coffee.just send me the money, i drink at least 60 bucks worth of coffee evrey day ! " Come on people! Really?! You have nothing better to do with your day then to louse up something so nice? If you've got that much time the least you could do would be to spell things correctly, and use punctuation appropriately!
It shakes my faith in the world that we're living in that there are these kinds of cowardly jerks out there who can't just man up and keep their lips zipped, or their fingers away from the keyboard.
Along a similar vein, another act of anonymous aggression is driving. You know who I'm talking about: that jerk who decides that he can't just wait in the long line of cars all turning the same direction; no, he decides to race ahead and cut someone off; causing the line to go slower, which causes more jerks to race ahead and cut someone off. It's a vicious cycle, STOP THE MADNESS!!! I liken it to this: would you do that at the post office? Would you cut in line because you felt impatient? Hell no, you wouldn't! Someone would pull out a gun and blow your face clean off! So chill, peeps! Just because you're in the drivers seat, doesn't give you the right to line jump!
Gah! People annoy me!
Sometimes humanity disappoints me. For instance, today I read a really nice article about a friend of a friend who did a really great thing and what do I read in the comments below the article?? This: "Jeez this a long story about some yuppies geting free coffee.just send me the money, i drink at least 60 bucks worth of coffee evrey day ! " Come on people! Really?! You have nothing better to do with your day then to louse up something so nice? If you've got that much time the least you could do would be to spell things correctly, and use punctuation appropriately!
It shakes my faith in the world that we're living in that there are these kinds of cowardly jerks out there who can't just man up and keep their lips zipped, or their fingers away from the keyboard.
Along a similar vein, another act of anonymous aggression is driving. You know who I'm talking about: that jerk who decides that he can't just wait in the long line of cars all turning the same direction; no, he decides to race ahead and cut someone off; causing the line to go slower, which causes more jerks to race ahead and cut someone off. It's a vicious cycle, STOP THE MADNESS!!! I liken it to this: would you do that at the post office? Would you cut in line because you felt impatient? Hell no, you wouldn't! Someone would pull out a gun and blow your face clean off! So chill, peeps! Just because you're in the drivers seat, doesn't give you the right to line jump!
Gah! People annoy me!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Back to the regularly scheduled tedium
I'm thankful that I was able to finish NaNoWriMo this year, and even more thankful that it got done with it before the 30th.
November is a notoriously difficult month for me mentally. I usually have to use every ounce of my strength to make it through this month without a mental breakdown. I had some spare braincells this year, somehow. Let me explain:
Item number one that comes up in November is spring registration. That's enough said if you've been reading my blog for a while. These buggers I work with can be so taxing on my mental health that I usually go home and fall straight into bed. This month was different, for some reason the students were quieter.... it's almost eerie!
Item number two, of course, is NaNoWriMo. I start off at full speed, but usually putter our about the time registration starts, but again, that was quiet, so I'm sure that contributed to my successful run at writing this year!
Item number three plagues most of us US writers: Thanksgiving. The notorious food fest that renders you useless for an entire weekend. Not so for me this year! With Weight Watchers' tools under my belt I went in, ate smart and ended up losing 1.2 lbs over thanksgiving weekend. I am SO proud of myself! Along with Thanksgiving comes Black Friday which then kills my Friday for writing, because I get up at the crack of dawn and shop 'til I can't no more! Then I go home and sleep. (I was useless on Friday, I will admit).
Item number four is what gets me every year (for the past three anyway): The 30th. This one day kills my entire November and December. It's the day, back in 2007, that my sister passed away. Every year, right before Thanksgiving I start getting immensely depressed. To the point where I can't move. That on top of everything else going on in November makes me just quit, every year. I start reliving my trip to Texas to say goodbye to my sister who I hadn't seen in nearly 10 years. I still don't know if she knew who I was. I remember how I should have been excited that week, and been celebrating for passing my Comprehensive Exam (the final step to receive my master's degree), but I had to cancel my party, which was planned on the 30th. My degree is bitter-sweet now. I never did get a chance to really celebrate or feel those feelings of elation when you accomplish something SO big.
I think that's what has made these past six months so great for me. I have finally accomplished something BIG in my life. I do so with my sister in my heart, guiding me, motivating me. I ran the 5K for her and truly this novel is for her. I had to make a choice this year: I couldn't let her death control my November any more, or my life for that matter, I had to move on, she would want that.
So please permit me a final note to my sister: I miss you, Dawn. I'm sad that so much time and distance passed between us. I know that we can't change the past; what's done is done. I know that you loved me, even if you didn't say so, or if you didn't call or write to tell me, Fred told me so when we came to say goodbye. I appreciate that. I really do. I know that you're still watching out for me, and for all of us. I have felt your presence this year, pushing me to become more, to strive harder, to fight for what I want. Thank you, it was just the kick in the pants I needed. xo
And so, now I continue on this journey toward a new Kathy that I started nearly six months ago. I will continue to eat right, I will start running again, I will crochet harder, I will finish my NaNovel. Who knows what else will come out of my self-transformation. I would never have guessed on this day last year that I would be sitting here writing such a victorious blog entry. I'm excited to see what the next year will bring!
November is a notoriously difficult month for me mentally. I usually have to use every ounce of my strength to make it through this month without a mental breakdown. I had some spare braincells this year, somehow. Let me explain:
Item number one that comes up in November is spring registration. That's enough said if you've been reading my blog for a while. These buggers I work with can be so taxing on my mental health that I usually go home and fall straight into bed. This month was different, for some reason the students were quieter.... it's almost eerie!
Item number two, of course, is NaNoWriMo. I start off at full speed, but usually putter our about the time registration starts, but again, that was quiet, so I'm sure that contributed to my successful run at writing this year!
Item number three plagues most of us US writers: Thanksgiving. The notorious food fest that renders you useless for an entire weekend. Not so for me this year! With Weight Watchers' tools under my belt I went in, ate smart and ended up losing 1.2 lbs over thanksgiving weekend. I am SO proud of myself! Along with Thanksgiving comes Black Friday which then kills my Friday for writing, because I get up at the crack of dawn and shop 'til I can't no more! Then I go home and sleep. (I was useless on Friday, I will admit).
Item number four is what gets me every year (for the past three anyway): The 30th. This one day kills my entire November and December. It's the day, back in 2007, that my sister passed away. Every year, right before Thanksgiving I start getting immensely depressed. To the point where I can't move. That on top of everything else going on in November makes me just quit, every year. I start reliving my trip to Texas to say goodbye to my sister who I hadn't seen in nearly 10 years. I still don't know if she knew who I was. I remember how I should have been excited that week, and been celebrating for passing my Comprehensive Exam (the final step to receive my master's degree), but I had to cancel my party, which was planned on the 30th. My degree is bitter-sweet now. I never did get a chance to really celebrate or feel those feelings of elation when you accomplish something SO big.
I think that's what has made these past six months so great for me. I have finally accomplished something BIG in my life. I do so with my sister in my heart, guiding me, motivating me. I ran the 5K for her and truly this novel is for her. I had to make a choice this year: I couldn't let her death control my November any more, or my life for that matter, I had to move on, she would want that.
So please permit me a final note to my sister: I miss you, Dawn. I'm sad that so much time and distance passed between us. I know that we can't change the past; what's done is done. I know that you loved me, even if you didn't say so, or if you didn't call or write to tell me, Fred told me so when we came to say goodbye. I appreciate that. I really do. I know that you're still watching out for me, and for all of us. I have felt your presence this year, pushing me to become more, to strive harder, to fight for what I want. Thank you, it was just the kick in the pants I needed. xo
And so, now I continue on this journey toward a new Kathy that I started nearly six months ago. I will continue to eat right, I will start running again, I will crochet harder, I will finish my NaNovel. Who knows what else will come out of my self-transformation. I would never have guessed on this day last year that I would be sitting here writing such a victorious blog entry. I'm excited to see what the next year will bring!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
NaNoWriMo Day 28 (Final update)
Word Count: 50,058
It is official: I have WON NaNoWriMo '10! I am a champion! I somehow managed to juggle working full time, writing a novel and crocheting X-mas presents for an entire month. I am ON FIRE, I can do ANYTHING!
Sorry for all the shouting but, Dang! I'm excited! Now my blog will return to is regularly scheduled nonsense.
Victory is mine!
It is official: I have WON NaNoWriMo '10! I am a champion! I somehow managed to juggle working full time, writing a novel and crocheting X-mas presents for an entire month. I am ON FIRE, I can do ANYTHING!
Sorry for all the shouting but, Dang! I'm excited! Now my blog will return to is regularly scheduled nonsense.
Victory is mine!
NaNoWriMo Day 28
Word Count: 44,544
The end of NaNoWriMo '10 is drawing near. I am so near a win! I cannot believe this. I have really picked up my game this year with my new lease on life.
What really motivated me this year (to lose weight, to train for a 5K, to finally win NaNoWriMo) was something someone told me in December last year: "You have no motivation, you never finish anything you start. Every year you start NaNoWriMo and never finish; you always complain about being over weight, but you never do anything about it."
Those words hit home, they stung but they were true. That's who I have always been. It's a miracle I actually followed through with my master's degree, to be honest. I even considered quitting on that! But seriously, I constantly start things that I don't finish; it's a huge character flaw of mine. I really do have trouble with motivation. This new Kathy that got created in June is the person that I've always wanted to be. I've never been happier with myself, and that's really all that matters. I didn't start out on this journey to prove the person wrong who told me I have no motivation (though that's a sweet bonus), because they made me see that it was true. I've really done all of this to show myself that I CAN.
Who needs New Year's Resolutions when you can create your own New Life Resolutions anytime you want!?
I'll see you all at the finish line! (I'm hoping that'll be later today ;) )
The end of NaNoWriMo '10 is drawing near. I am so near a win! I cannot believe this. I have really picked up my game this year with my new lease on life.
What really motivated me this year (to lose weight, to train for a 5K, to finally win NaNoWriMo) was something someone told me in December last year: "You have no motivation, you never finish anything you start. Every year you start NaNoWriMo and never finish; you always complain about being over weight, but you never do anything about it."
Those words hit home, they stung but they were true. That's who I have always been. It's a miracle I actually followed through with my master's degree, to be honest. I even considered quitting on that! But seriously, I constantly start things that I don't finish; it's a huge character flaw of mine. I really do have trouble with motivation. This new Kathy that got created in June is the person that I've always wanted to be. I've never been happier with myself, and that's really all that matters. I didn't start out on this journey to prove the person wrong who told me I have no motivation (though that's a sweet bonus), because they made me see that it was true. I've really done all of this to show myself that I CAN.
Who needs New Year's Resolutions when you can create your own New Life Resolutions anytime you want!?
I'll see you all at the finish line! (I'm hoping that'll be later today ;) )
Friday, November 26, 2010
NaNoWriMo Day 26
Word Count: 41,028
I'm only about a day behind. My plan is to finish this critter up on Sunday....we'll see if that happens. But I'm GOING to win this year one way or the other!!!!!!!
I'm only about a day behind. My plan is to finish this critter up on Sunday....we'll see if that happens. But I'm GOING to win this year one way or the other!!!!!!!
Friday, November 19, 2010
NaNoWriMo Day 19
Word Count: 31,825
Oh yeah! I hit my goal for today! Now to par-tay tonight with a clear conscience!
Tomorrow we're headed to the gallery in Carmel. While Wino's working, I'm hitting up several yarn shops around the Carmel/Monterey area because I've become a yarn-a-holic. Then if I get back to the gallery before 5pm I'm going to buckle down and write! If I don't meet my goal tomorrow it's ok because I have Sunday to catch back up.
Have a great weekend everyone! I'll post an update either Sunday night or Monday. Until then,
Oh yeah! I hit my goal for today! Now to par-tay tonight with a clear conscience!
Tomorrow we're headed to the gallery in Carmel. While Wino's working, I'm hitting up several yarn shops around the Carmel/Monterey area because I've become a yarn-a-holic. Then if I get back to the gallery before 5pm I'm going to buckle down and write! If I don't meet my goal tomorrow it's ok because I have Sunday to catch back up.
Have a great weekend everyone! I'll post an update either Sunday night or Monday. Until then,
Thursday, November 18, 2010
NaNoWriMo Day 18
Word Count: 30,136 (post write-in)
While I didn't write with the "official" write-in group, I met up with a friend instead. Despite the annoying girl next to us in the library, we managed to reach our personal goals for the evening and left the library feeling accomplished.
I'm relieved to have caught up to where I should be today. I'm really feeling a win this year and I'm ecstatic. I told Wino this morning that training for a 5K makes anything else look do-able (except maybe a marathon....that would require more extensive training), but anything else is totally a can-do!
One draw back that I've found about being so intent about NaNoWriMo this year is that my spelling and grammar have seriously taken a nose dive in quality. I have to make sure I reread all emails that I send at work because otherwise I would have wise-a$$ students emailing me back pointing out my mistakes.
I've got to get my word count in at lunch tomorrow 'cause I've got a party to go to tomorrow night! I love parties ;)
While I didn't write with the "official" write-in group, I met up with a friend instead. Despite the annoying girl next to us in the library, we managed to reach our personal goals for the evening and left the library feeling accomplished.
I'm relieved to have caught up to where I should be today. I'm really feeling a win this year and I'm ecstatic. I told Wino this morning that training for a 5K makes anything else look do-able (except maybe a marathon....that would require more extensive training), but anything else is totally a can-do!
One draw back that I've found about being so intent about NaNoWriMo this year is that my spelling and grammar have seriously taken a nose dive in quality. I have to make sure I reread all emails that I send at work because otherwise I would have wise-a$$ students emailing me back pointing out my mistakes.
I've got to get my word count in at lunch tomorrow 'cause I've got a party to go to tomorrow night! I love parties ;)
NaNoWriMo Day 18
Word Count: 28,104 (before write-in)
Ok, I said I would go to last weeks write-in, but I didn't. When the time came to leave my cozy little home I just couldn't tear myself away after spending the day lazing around the house. Today I'm going straight from work to the write-in location, so I have no excuses! I am determined to get on track with my word count. I have just under 2K words to go and I'll be where I should.
Ok, I said I would go to last weeks write-in, but I didn't. When the time came to leave my cozy little home I just couldn't tear myself away after spending the day lazing around the house. Today I'm going straight from work to the write-in location, so I have no excuses! I am determined to get on track with my word count. I have just under 2K words to go and I'll be where I should.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
NaNoWriMo Day 17 (Evening Update)
Word Count: 26,429
I made it to the half-way point tonight!!!! This is the farthest I've ever come in NaNoWriMo. I can taste victory and it's all down hill from here! Yahoo!
I made it to the half-way point tonight!!!! This is the farthest I've ever come in NaNoWriMo. I can taste victory and it's all down hill from here! Yahoo!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
NaNoWriMo Day 11 (noon update)
Word Count: 18,752
Shazam! Just like that I'm back on track! I still intend to get a little ahead tonight at the write-in. I love my novel so much. But I need a break for a couple hours! I'm in the ZONE today!
Shazam! Just like that I'm back on track! I still intend to get a little ahead tonight at the write-in. I love my novel so much. But I need a break for a couple hours! I'm in the ZONE today!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
NaNoWriMo Day 10 (mid-day update)
Word Count: 15,043
It's an amazing thing when the story you're writing suddenly sprouts legs and just starts running in a completely opposite direction than what you had originally planned. Sometime around Day 8 this happened to me. I'm typing along, sort of mindlessly, and my fingers just randomly throw in this tertiary character, who I knew nothing about when I started this novel. I start to develop this character and her relationship with my main character (who started out as my secondary character). My main character has suddenly developed into a "love interest" though I'm still telling his story as well.
I LOVE this about writing! How unpredictable it can be, how you have the choice, with the letters your fingers are creating to shape an entire world into existence where none had been before, or even been planned for creation! I'm loving my novel, I love my characters, I love the people they're becoming, I love how they look at the world. This is really the first year that I have enjoyed pulling up a chair to my novel and pounding out a few thousand words before going to bed. I look forward to it. It's the feeling I get when I'm reading a really good novel, I just don't want to put it down. I must though, I must. I don't want to get burned out, I want to keep this excitement alive. I'm still limiting myself to writing only the minimum required day-to-day, and I really feel like my story is coming alive this year! Yay!
It's an amazing thing when the story you're writing suddenly sprouts legs and just starts running in a completely opposite direction than what you had originally planned. Sometime around Day 8 this happened to me. I'm typing along, sort of mindlessly, and my fingers just randomly throw in this tertiary character, who I knew nothing about when I started this novel. I start to develop this character and her relationship with my main character (who started out as my secondary character). My main character has suddenly developed into a "love interest" though I'm still telling his story as well.
I LOVE this about writing! How unpredictable it can be, how you have the choice, with the letters your fingers are creating to shape an entire world into existence where none had been before, or even been planned for creation! I'm loving my novel, I love my characters, I love the people they're becoming, I love how they look at the world. This is really the first year that I have enjoyed pulling up a chair to my novel and pounding out a few thousand words before going to bed. I look forward to it. It's the feeling I get when I'm reading a really good novel, I just don't want to put it down. I must though, I must. I don't want to get burned out, I want to keep this excitement alive. I'm still limiting myself to writing only the minimum required day-to-day, and I really feel like my story is coming alive this year! Yay!
Monday, November 8, 2010
NaNoWriMo Day 8 (Evening Update)
Word Count: 13,569
G'Day everyone! Or rather good evening! This week will be all about writing in the evenings for me. During the day I'm so busy replying to students' emails that I just can't bring myself to type away at my story at lunch. My poor lil' fingers need a break! I managed to pull off 1,667 words even tonight. Yay! Slow and steady!
G'Day everyone! Or rather good evening! This week will be all about writing in the evenings for me. During the day I'm so busy replying to students' emails that I just can't bring myself to type away at my story at lunch. My poor lil' fingers need a break! I managed to pull off 1,667 words even tonight. Yay! Slow and steady!
Friday, November 5, 2010
NaNoWriMo Day 5 (mid-day update)
Word Count: 9705
Boo-ya! Nearly 10K in less than the first week. I'm feeling pretty good and comfortable with my "slow and steady" approach. Granted, I did get about a day ahead at last night's write-in.
The write-in was fun. I participated in my first word war, sadly I lost, but it was a great way to gain some words! It's quite exhilarating to just get so in the zone that your fingers are flying across the keyboard and you aren't really needing to put much thought into what you're writing, it all just flows. I will continue going to the write-ins this year.
I'm still really behind on my crochet project, but I've been so obsessed with writing that it got put on the back burner. I've really got to whittle out some time to crochet this weekend. I'm going to be doing word sprints and hooking sprints!
Boo-ya! Nearly 10K in less than the first week. I'm feeling pretty good and comfortable with my "slow and steady" approach. Granted, I did get about a day ahead at last night's write-in.
The write-in was fun. I participated in my first word war, sadly I lost, but it was a great way to gain some words! It's quite exhilarating to just get so in the zone that your fingers are flying across the keyboard and you aren't really needing to put much thought into what you're writing, it all just flows. I will continue going to the write-ins this year.
I'm still really behind on my crochet project, but I've been so obsessed with writing that it got put on the back burner. I've really got to whittle out some time to crochet this weekend. I'm going to be doing word sprints and hooking sprints!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
NaNoWriMo Day 3 (Noon update)
Word Count: 5335
Aaaaand I'm done for the day! Thank goodness too, I really need to work on my crochet projects tonight (and do those chores that I've been putting off since Monday!)
So only one update for today, how is everyone else doing??!! I want to know!
Until tomorrow, keep writing!
Aaaaand I'm done for the day! Thank goodness too, I really need to work on my crochet projects tonight (and do those chores that I've been putting off since Monday!)
So only one update for today, how is everyone else doing??!! I want to know!
Until tomorrow, keep writing!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
NaNoWriMo Day 2 (evening update)
Word Count: 3505
Right on track. I'm trying to do this year's NaNoWriMo slow and steady. I've rushed ahead in years past and ran out of plot. My thinking is that if I take longer this year I'll have more time to think up ideas! Let's see if this works....
Right on track. I'm trying to do this year's NaNoWriMo slow and steady. I've rushed ahead in years past and ran out of plot. My thinking is that if I take longer this year I'll have more time to think up ideas! Let's see if this works....
NaNoWriMo Day 2 (noon update)
Word count: 3109
Yay! Going to be busy tonight, so only needing to write a couple hundred words is fine by me! Go me!
Yay! Going to be busy tonight, so only needing to write a couple hundred words is fine by me! Go me!
Monday, November 1, 2010
NaNoWriMo Day 1 (Evening Update)
Word Count: 1768
Yes I finally found time to write! Chores were abandoned until tomorrow, and much wine was consumed! (Also had to work writing around watching the Giants win! Yahoo!) I'm calling it a night. Now I've got to go crochet!
NaNoWriMo Day 1 (noon update)
Word count: 0
Still sad? You betcha! Today is my carpool-buddies last day at work. I took her out to lunch as a send-off. So there were no words a-flowin' from my fingertips at lunch.....here's hoping I can get a start tonight! I've got to at least reach my 1667 words today!
Still sad? You betcha! Today is my carpool-buddies last day at work. I took her out to lunch as a send-off. So there were no words a-flowin' from my fingertips at lunch.....here's hoping I can get a start tonight! I've got to at least reach my 1667 words today!
NaNoWriMo Day 1
Word count: 0
Sad? Yes it is! It's 8:40am, and the last two years I would have already passed the 5K mark on words, but this year, since the 1st is a Monday, that's a no-can-do! I need sleep for my long drive to work, so I was in bed for the start. I love sitting up and counting down, "Happy NaNoWriMo!" I can't actually start until my lunch break, hopefully I can get a good start, because it's Monday and that also means chore-night when I get home. I've got to do dishes and vacuum before returning to my words. Sigh, not a very eventful WriMo yet!
Sad? Yes it is! It's 8:40am, and the last two years I would have already passed the 5K mark on words, but this year, since the 1st is a Monday, that's a no-can-do! I need sleep for my long drive to work, so I was in bed for the start. I love sitting up and counting down, "Happy NaNoWriMo!" I can't actually start until my lunch break, hopefully I can get a good start, because it's Monday and that also means chore-night when I get home. I've got to do dishes and vacuum before returning to my words. Sigh, not a very eventful WriMo yet!
Friday, October 22, 2010
My countdown has begun for NaNoWriMo '10. I always start getting SUPER excited about it right before my race. I love that they coincide, I get all inspired at the race, and that carries over to the month of November.
I cleaned off my desk, which is SO much nicer than my writing hole last year (literally a hole in the boxes with a used desk in a random bedroom). This is my new desk space:

Looks nice dontcha think? Technically my desk is in the hallway (it's a built-in we had made special just for me!) so I'm concerned about noise pollution....we'll see how this works out. Next year I may have to dedicate the guest bedroom to my writing so I can close the door.
I'm not too sure how much I will use the typewriter, but I'm going to try it. I need to get some cartridges for it though. It was a lovely inheritance, and I appreciate Wino's mom for letting me take it home. I know it's also a nice memento for Wino of his grandparents.
This year I'm feeling much more confident that I can hit 50K words. I have this great high coming off completing the C25K program. That was probably one of the hardest things I've ever done, so if I can get off my butt and get around to running a 5K, I can certainly write 1667 words a day to win this thing this year!
Ok, race day is tomorrow, and I'm much too excited to think any more about NaNoWriMo....after tomorrow I'm going to get down to business and do some serious plotting. I've been lax this year, so hopefully my novel wont end up being mostly passages from the Dares thread!
I cleaned off my desk, which is SO much nicer than my writing hole last year (literally a hole in the boxes with a used desk in a random bedroom). This is my new desk space:

Looks nice dontcha think? Technically my desk is in the hallway (it's a built-in we had made special just for me!) so I'm concerned about noise pollution....we'll see how this works out. Next year I may have to dedicate the guest bedroom to my writing so I can close the door.
I'm not too sure how much I will use the typewriter, but I'm going to try it. I need to get some cartridges for it though. It was a lovely inheritance, and I appreciate Wino's mom for letting me take it home. I know it's also a nice memento for Wino of his grandparents.
This year I'm feeling much more confident that I can hit 50K words. I have this great high coming off completing the C25K program. That was probably one of the hardest things I've ever done, so if I can get off my butt and get around to running a 5K, I can certainly write 1667 words a day to win this thing this year!
Ok, race day is tomorrow, and I'm much too excited to think any more about NaNoWriMo....after tomorrow I'm going to get down to business and do some serious plotting. I've been lax this year, so hopefully my novel wont end up being mostly passages from the Dares thread!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
NaNoWriMo's a-comin'
Here it is again! The dawn of writing season! October 1 usually marks the relaunch of the NaNoWriMo website. Very exciting! However, I cannot let my excitment to write overpower my need to get my running finished! I am still 3 days away from C25K graduation. It's been so darn hot here that running is pretty much out of the question, even in the evenings. I'm determined to graduate before I actually run the 5K on October 23 though!
So back to writing....I'm getting pumped! I've got lots of ideas stewing around in the ol' noggin in the evenings while I crochet (working on two afghans for my nieces). My plot this year, as with most, is going to be another sarcastic/satire/humor novel. It seems to be the niche that I've put myself in, my attempt to dip into drama last year burned brightly for a while but then quickly fizzled out, I'm not a good person to write suspense....I get to impatient to write the good stuff!
Anywho, I'm modeling my main character after a gentleman I've had a few run-ins with, so this should be good. I've really got to work on some story development though, I've got a rough outline, but no real plot points. I may end up winging it like I did every year except last....we'll see.
So back to writing....I'm getting pumped! I've got lots of ideas stewing around in the ol' noggin in the evenings while I crochet (working on two afghans for my nieces). My plot this year, as with most, is going to be another sarcastic/satire/humor novel. It seems to be the niche that I've put myself in, my attempt to dip into drama last year burned brightly for a while but then quickly fizzled out, I'm not a good person to write suspense....I get to impatient to write the good stuff!
Anywho, I'm modeling my main character after a gentleman I've had a few run-ins with, so this should be good. I've really got to work on some story development though, I've got a rough outline, but no real plot points. I may end up winging it like I did every year except last....we'll see.
Monday, September 20, 2010
I love reading or hearing about other peoples' success stories. It inspires me. The funny thing is I don't think any of these inspirational people that I've found ever started out to really "inspire" others. It seems to me that the act of writing, or recording your victories just for yourself to enjoy is the real inspiration. I know that hardly anyone reads my blog, but I draw such a source of motivation just from seeing where I was to where I am now, that that's all that really matters to me.
What surprised me last night though (and has surprised me several times this month), is that I have apparently become an inspiration to those around me. When did that happen?! I've always been the wall flower, the person who blends into the background who doesn't do anything extraordinary, I just exist.
Wino told me last night that his mom was so inspired by my running and weight loss that she's attending some seminars to get healthy herself. "Really?!" I said, with a huge smile on my face. I guess I never realized that anyone was even really paying attention to what I was doing. Sure I post my run on Facebook after I complete it, and I always get a smattering of "likes" but people are really rooting for me AND taking a look at their own lives and how they can improve their own health.
I'm really amazed, and this motivates me extra to keep going, I HAVE to succeed, there's no question about it, so many important people in my life are apparently waiting for my next update to say "I did it!" Now, not only am I doing this for myself, but I push myself harder because I don't want to disappoint.
I am only 5 runs away from completing the Couch to 5K program. I have my 5K coming up on October 23, and I'm excited, I'm ready for it to get here!
What surprised me last night though (and has surprised me several times this month), is that I have apparently become an inspiration to those around me. When did that happen?! I've always been the wall flower, the person who blends into the background who doesn't do anything extraordinary, I just exist.
Wino told me last night that his mom was so inspired by my running and weight loss that she's attending some seminars to get healthy herself. "Really?!" I said, with a huge smile on my face. I guess I never realized that anyone was even really paying attention to what I was doing. Sure I post my run on Facebook after I complete it, and I always get a smattering of "likes" but people are really rooting for me AND taking a look at their own lives and how they can improve their own health.
I'm really amazed, and this motivates me extra to keep going, I HAVE to succeed, there's no question about it, so many important people in my life are apparently waiting for my next update to say "I did it!" Now, not only am I doing this for myself, but I push myself harder because I don't want to disappoint.
I am only 5 runs away from completing the Couch to 5K program. I have my 5K coming up on October 23, and I'm excited, I'm ready for it to get here!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Life and Running
Ah Life: you do tend to get in the way sometimes don't you? No, I haven't stopped running. I can't do that. I would be so disappointed in myself if I quit. The whole point in my embarking in the C25K program was to prove to myself that I could triumph over my own mind and actually accomplish something that I would normally give up on.
My struggles appeared, though, several weeks ago and, believe it or not, had nothing to do with my own motivation, but instead just working run time into a suddenly busy schedule due to a family emergency. Once I was able to say "it'd be better if we delay this run (or that run)" I was suddenly unable to stop "rescheduling" runs to suit my own needs. It all started out with the best of intentions but then spiraled out of control. The worst was when I waited 4 days in between W7D1 and D2. That was one rough run (though I still completed it without walking).
BUT, we finished up W7 day before yesterday. That was not without it's own complications. I was motivated to run, but not very excited about it! My body had different plans than my mind though: about 10 minutes into the run I got my first-ever shin splint. I didn't pay much attention at first, it just felt weird so I kept running, then the pain started, gradually getting worse. I let out a cry and grabbed for Wino's shoulder for support, but still kept running. Then the paid subsided, until 2 minutes later when I got another pulse of pain. I slowed down, ran through it and it went away. This continued until our 25 minutes were up, I was determined not to stop running (I couldn't tell whether I was just trying to subconsciously sabotage my own run, or if this was legit pain).
I got my answer when I got into the house and the searing pain didn't stop, I checked all the symptoms and yep, I had a shin splint AND because I was running funny when the pain hit, I also messed up my knee. Brilliant! That's what I get for being stubborn. I have a 5K race in about a month and I still have 2 weeks left of C25K (that's 6 runs people!) and I need to finish this, I don't want to be set back! So, I'm going to wait this out (no! I'm not going to keep running in pain, that's just stupid), but the minute (THE MINUTE, I SAY!) that this pain subsides, I'm hitting the pavement again.
So I'm going to be out of commission for who knows how long, but I'm not going to let this stop me. I'm running for my sisters, for myself, for Wino, for anyone who has encouraged me, and I don't want to disappoint.
My struggles appeared, though, several weeks ago and, believe it or not, had nothing to do with my own motivation, but instead just working run time into a suddenly busy schedule due to a family emergency. Once I was able to say "it'd be better if we delay this run (or that run)" I was suddenly unable to stop "rescheduling" runs to suit my own needs. It all started out with the best of intentions but then spiraled out of control. The worst was when I waited 4 days in between W7D1 and D2. That was one rough run (though I still completed it without walking).
BUT, we finished up W7 day before yesterday. That was not without it's own complications. I was motivated to run, but not very excited about it! My body had different plans than my mind though: about 10 minutes into the run I got my first-ever shin splint. I didn't pay much attention at first, it just felt weird so I kept running, then the pain started, gradually getting worse. I let out a cry and grabbed for Wino's shoulder for support, but still kept running. Then the paid subsided, until 2 minutes later when I got another pulse of pain. I slowed down, ran through it and it went away. This continued until our 25 minutes were up, I was determined not to stop running (I couldn't tell whether I was just trying to subconsciously sabotage my own run, or if this was legit pain).
I got my answer when I got into the house and the searing pain didn't stop, I checked all the symptoms and yep, I had a shin splint AND because I was running funny when the pain hit, I also messed up my knee. Brilliant! That's what I get for being stubborn. I have a 5K race in about a month and I still have 2 weeks left of C25K (that's 6 runs people!) and I need to finish this, I don't want to be set back! So, I'm going to wait this out (no! I'm not going to keep running in pain, that's just stupid), but the minute (THE MINUTE, I SAY!) that this pain subsides, I'm hitting the pavement again.
So I'm going to be out of commission for who knows how long, but I'm not going to let this stop me. I'm running for my sisters, for myself, for Wino, for anyone who has encouraged me, and I don't want to disappoint.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Week 5--Days 1 & 2
So no video blog for these two days. Life has been pretty hectic this past week, and I just can't find the time to sit down and record. So you get to read instead! :)
Let's start with Week 5, Day 1:
Wow was this easier than all of Week 4 put together. I was so pumped when I finished that last 5 minute run (tired but pumped). I just couldn't believe that this was so much easier than Week 4. It seemed too good to be true. Secretly I was dreading Day 2....but at the same time I was excited about it. There were only 2 runs...of course they're 8 minutes each, but still just 2 runs. Somehow that seems more manageable than 4 runs, or even 3...I'm not sure why.
So on to today's run Week 5, Day 2:
I KICKED SOME MAJOR BUTT!!!!!!!!!! It was so great, the 8 minutes FLEW by. No seriously, don't balk...I know some of you are still behind me, and you've got to be saying "Really? 8 minutes? You complained about 3 being too long how is 8 easier than 3??" I cannot answer that question, I really can't, I just have to tell you that it is! When you get here you'll understand.
I had a little trouble picking back up for the last run. In the 5 minute walk my knee started to get stiff and it took me a bit to work that out after I started running again, it really slowed me down, but that 8 minutes were over before I knew it. When the chime went off and my phone said "Cool Down" I actually looked at the phone to make sure it was right, I didn't believe it that I'd been jogging for 8 minutes already.
This feeling that I've got today is really empowering. I feel like I can conquer the world! It's such a rush. I never knew what people talked about when they said they get a "runner's high" but I felt it today, and I'm still feeling it, 4 hours after my run was over. It's incredible!
Bring on Week 5, Day 3! You don't scare me!
Let's start with Week 5, Day 1:
Wow was this easier than all of Week 4 put together. I was so pumped when I finished that last 5 minute run (tired but pumped). I just couldn't believe that this was so much easier than Week 4. It seemed too good to be true. Secretly I was dreading Day 2....but at the same time I was excited about it. There were only 2 runs...of course they're 8 minutes each, but still just 2 runs. Somehow that seems more manageable than 4 runs, or even 3...I'm not sure why.
So on to today's run Week 5, Day 2:
I KICKED SOME MAJOR BUTT!!!!!!!!!! It was so great, the 8 minutes FLEW by. No seriously, don't balk...I know some of you are still behind me, and you've got to be saying "Really? 8 minutes? You complained about 3 being too long how is 8 easier than 3??" I cannot answer that question, I really can't, I just have to tell you that it is! When you get here you'll understand.
I had a little trouble picking back up for the last run. In the 5 minute walk my knee started to get stiff and it took me a bit to work that out after I started running again, it really slowed me down, but that 8 minutes were over before I knew it. When the chime went off and my phone said "Cool Down" I actually looked at the phone to make sure it was right, I didn't believe it that I'd been jogging for 8 minutes already.
This feeling that I've got today is really empowering. I feel like I can conquer the world! It's such a rush. I never knew what people talked about when they said they get a "runner's high" but I felt it today, and I'm still feeling it, 4 hours after my run was over. It's incredible!
Bring on Week 5, Day 3! You don't scare me!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Week 4--Day 3
Sorry this is a few days late (and sorry for the scary face on my video!)I've been busy. I'll hopefully record my thoughts about yesterday's run tonight.
I was in a much better place on Saturday when I did day 3....I'm looking forward to week 5 again, instead of dreading it!
I was in a much better place on Saturday when I did day 3....I'm looking forward to week 5 again, instead of dreading it!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Week 4 -- Day 2 C25K
This run was HARD! My head was not in it....keep your mind in the game folks, otherwise your body doesn't want to obey!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
C25K -- Week 3, Day 3
So I've decided to start doing a video blog. Inspired by Susan Davis and her wonderful C25K blog, I figured people may need some more encouragement, especially by someone talking to them about their experiences. Here's my first entry!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Running away
So I've been at this Couch to 5K program for almost 3 full weeks now. It's unbelievable the amount of energy I have. I am literally sitting here bouncing in my chair, anxious to get home so I can get up in the morning and run. How did my mentality change??!! I remember dreading "The Mile" at school. I'd end up walking half of it because I couldn't jog longer than 1/4 of a lap without getting winded. Now I'm running almost 1/4 of a mile! It's amazing!
I'm so happy that Wino is doing this with me. I know I could do it without him, but having his support really works wonders for my motivation. For some reason I feel I have something to prove to him by completing this program, as a result I have to prove it to myself too. I don't want another unfinished "scheme" to add to my ever growing list (4 NaNoWriMo fails, an unfinished quilt, several unfinished scarfs, etc. the list goes on).
I committed myself to this though, by signing up for the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure 5K women's RUN in October. (I'll do a quick plug here for donations because this is an important cause to me because my oldest sister passed away from breast cancer in 2007 at the age of 40, I really want to kick some breast cancer @$$ this year!). I can't give up on C25K now, I'm in it to finish!
On the Weight Watcher's front: I have lost more than 15lbs now, and I'm just several pounds from reaching the HUGE goal of 10% lost. I really can't believe it! All of this success, with running and the weight loss, has really boosted my self-esteem, I feel like I can conquer the world now.
I'm so happy that Wino is doing this with me. I know I could do it without him, but having his support really works wonders for my motivation. For some reason I feel I have something to prove to him by completing this program, as a result I have to prove it to myself too. I don't want another unfinished "scheme" to add to my ever growing list (4 NaNoWriMo fails, an unfinished quilt, several unfinished scarfs, etc. the list goes on).
I committed myself to this though, by signing up for the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure 5K women's RUN in October. (I'll do a quick plug here for donations because this is an important cause to me because my oldest sister passed away from breast cancer in 2007 at the age of 40, I really want to kick some breast cancer @$$ this year!). I can't give up on C25K now, I'm in it to finish!
On the Weight Watcher's front: I have lost more than 15lbs now, and I'm just several pounds from reaching the HUGE goal of 10% lost. I really can't believe it! All of this success, with running and the weight loss, has really boosted my self-esteem, I feel like I can conquer the world now.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Working out is working for me
It's been awhile (again). Apologies, it just seems that blogging gets put on the back burner!
Since we last spoke, I have joined Weight Watchers (and am doing fantastic on that), and have started the fabulous Couch to 5K program. In case you've never heard of that, it's a training program (free!) designed to literally get you off the couch and running a 5K in nine weeks. I just started week 2 of the training and I already see a difference in my stamina.
I hate running/jogging. It's never been a pleasant activity for me, and so I'd just rather not even partake. However, since starting Weight Watchers, I've discovered that I need to get my butt in gear and actually DO something, not just eat better. Granted just eating better has lost me 13lbs already, but I really want to get toned, and I REALLY want to RUN the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure this year.
Quilt #1 is still in progress. El Diablo and I haven't seen much of each other, though. I was waiting on some backing fabric which just recently cropped up and will work beautifully, however my original plan for a border was a bit busy so I have to save my money to buy some new fabric for a border. Hopefully soon. I should just start on Quilt #2 so I can get the top done, but I haven't had a whole lot of time. Maybe once the summer is over. It's really been a crazy one this year!
Anywho, I'll try to keep updated on my progress to the 5K. Until then, happy tidings!
Since we last spoke, I have joined Weight Watchers (and am doing fantastic on that), and have started the fabulous Couch to 5K program. In case you've never heard of that, it's a training program (free!) designed to literally get you off the couch and running a 5K in nine weeks. I just started week 2 of the training and I already see a difference in my stamina.
I hate running/jogging. It's never been a pleasant activity for me, and so I'd just rather not even partake. However, since starting Weight Watchers, I've discovered that I need to get my butt in gear and actually DO something, not just eat better. Granted just eating better has lost me 13lbs already, but I really want to get toned, and I REALLY want to RUN the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure this year.
Quilt #1 is still in progress. El Diablo and I haven't seen much of each other, though. I was waiting on some backing fabric which just recently cropped up and will work beautifully, however my original plan for a border was a bit busy so I have to save my money to buy some new fabric for a border. Hopefully soon. I should just start on Quilt #2 so I can get the top done, but I haven't had a whole lot of time. Maybe once the summer is over. It's really been a crazy one this year!
Anywho, I'll try to keep updated on my progress to the 5K. Until then, happy tidings!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Observation Deck
When you work with a very specific population of people you may begin to notice a common personality trait, which is probably what drew these individuals to pursue the same profession.
It's no secret that I work at a university, and if I haven't already, I wont divulge what department I advise for to avoid giving out too much about my whereabouts.
I have noticed, though, in the nearly two years I've worked in this department, this common personality trait: no social skills, to the point of rudeness on occasion. These students that I work with either don't understand that they speak so bluntly, or just don't care. I think it's usually a mixture of both. They just don't have the practice conversing with human beings to know that demanding something be taken care of or handled will get them nowhere fast, and will probably even hurt feelings!
I really have to work at myself to distance my feelings about being spoken to this way to avoid breaking down in tears. This happens (at best) once a week. My own personality lends itself to why I joined the profession I did, counseling, but counseling and advising these students needs a much tougher skin than I could have imagined.
I'm sure that if anyone reading this has ever encountered anyone from this particular field they would be able to pinpoint who I'm describing with an eerie accuracy. Please feel free to take guesses! Keep in mind that I work with 5 different majors, and this personality trait tends to only show itself in one. Everyone else I work with is (for the most part) very workable and even appreciative of any help they receive.
It doesn't make me dislike my job, but it does make some days much harder to handle than others!
It's no secret that I work at a university, and if I haven't already, I wont divulge what department I advise for to avoid giving out too much about my whereabouts.
I have noticed, though, in the nearly two years I've worked in this department, this common personality trait: no social skills, to the point of rudeness on occasion. These students that I work with either don't understand that they speak so bluntly, or just don't care. I think it's usually a mixture of both. They just don't have the practice conversing with human beings to know that demanding something be taken care of or handled will get them nowhere fast, and will probably even hurt feelings!
I really have to work at myself to distance my feelings about being spoken to this way to avoid breaking down in tears. This happens (at best) once a week. My own personality lends itself to why I joined the profession I did, counseling, but counseling and advising these students needs a much tougher skin than I could have imagined.
I'm sure that if anyone reading this has ever encountered anyone from this particular field they would be able to pinpoint who I'm describing with an eerie accuracy. Please feel free to take guesses! Keep in mind that I work with 5 different majors, and this personality trait tends to only show itself in one. Everyone else I work with is (for the most part) very workable and even appreciative of any help they receive.
It doesn't make me dislike my job, but it does make some days much harder to handle than others!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Aaaaaaand....she's safe!
Aaah, another registration week down. The chaos that consumes us on this week is sometimes unbearable, but we survive. I've never seen my fellow advisors look so worn down though. I made it through pretty well unscathed. For the first time in a year I was able to go through a registration week without a killer cold/flu. I actually had a voice to speak to my students this year! Hooray for being audible!
My job (as glamorous as it sounds) has its hazards though. One of which is talking to prospective students and their families. It makes me wonder how the state of our nation will possibly progress with this crop of inept 18-year-olds flooding into adulthood with no sense of responsibility and only a sense of entitlement.
I actually had a student sit in my office today, and text the entire time, while his parents asked all the questions. Only now do I realize that I should have called him out, but I'm not his parent, nor am I his teacher. I am a professional whose job it is to ensure that students have the opportunity to receive a degree, beyond that it takes their initiative to actually desire that opportunity enough to care. I can do a lot of things, but I can't make them care worth a damn.
I can't tell you how many times I've nearly cried as a student sits in my office wondering why they're failing all of their courses, and can't seem to grasp that they have to actually attend class, take notes, listen and care!!!
Why put all the money into an education if you're just going to squander it?! Just because Mommy and Daddy tell you to?! Well damn it, you're an adult! Start acting like a grown-up and take responsibility for your own life. My Mommy didn't come with me to my advising meetings, or hack into my email to read my messages to make sure I'm not missing something, or write a threatening letter to the dean because the school is picking on "her baby" when "her baby" is the one who hasn't shown up for a class since the beginning of the semester! Why do parents have to be so overly involved in their kids' lives?!
THAT is what is wrong with this new generation of kiddos (yes, they may be adults but they're still acting like kids): their parents have always done everything for them. YOU'RE DOING THEM NO GOOD, PEEPS! You're only hindering them from being self-sufficient! Take this as a message of warning: not allowing your 18-year-olds to handle their own business is only making them burdens to society.
*Pant* *Pant* Ok, now I'm done, I will get off my soap box and you may return to your regularly scheduled lives.
My job (as glamorous as it sounds) has its hazards though. One of which is talking to prospective students and their families. It makes me wonder how the state of our nation will possibly progress with this crop of inept 18-year-olds flooding into adulthood with no sense of responsibility and only a sense of entitlement.
I actually had a student sit in my office today, and text the entire time, while his parents asked all the questions. Only now do I realize that I should have called him out, but I'm not his parent, nor am I his teacher. I am a professional whose job it is to ensure that students have the opportunity to receive a degree, beyond that it takes their initiative to actually desire that opportunity enough to care. I can do a lot of things, but I can't make them care worth a damn.
I can't tell you how many times I've nearly cried as a student sits in my office wondering why they're failing all of their courses, and can't seem to grasp that they have to actually attend class, take notes, listen and care!!!
Why put all the money into an education if you're just going to squander it?! Just because Mommy and Daddy tell you to?! Well damn it, you're an adult! Start acting like a grown-up and take responsibility for your own life. My Mommy didn't come with me to my advising meetings, or hack into my email to read my messages to make sure I'm not missing something, or write a threatening letter to the dean because the school is picking on "her baby" when "her baby" is the one who hasn't shown up for a class since the beginning of the semester! Why do parents have to be so overly involved in their kids' lives?!
THAT is what is wrong with this new generation of kiddos (yes, they may be adults but they're still acting like kids): their parents have always done everything for them. YOU'RE DOING THEM NO GOOD, PEEPS! You're only hindering them from being self-sufficient! Take this as a message of warning: not allowing your 18-year-olds to handle their own business is only making them burdens to society.
*Pant* *Pant* Ok, now I'm done, I will get off my soap box and you may return to your regularly scheduled lives.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Blogging 1.0
Is it weird to be nostalgic about the old-school blogs? I've been blogging practically since it was invented. I had a Xanga site (lost a friend over a post on there), and I was a devoted MySpace blogger, some of my funniest, most profound posts, if I do say so.
I feel like with the popularity of Facebook and Twitter on the rise (or peaking as it were) that the old fashioned blogs are disappearing. I realize that as I type this I'm making a post on "Blogger" BUT I've really had to force myself to write here consistently. It's so much easier to just post my 140 characters about a particular whim or emotion (or food) and be done with it. These sites are really taking away the core creativity that has driven my writing for so many years. I have fallen into the "Instant Gratification" generation without even realizing it!!
My witty repartee has become idiotic posts about "I'm feeling down today." What has happened to me?! I used to write these epic drafts about emotion, or a nagging thought, or a funny story, wrought with detail and forethought. I feel almost like a failure, but I realize that I'm just another Facebook and Twitter addict.
I'm thinking I should challenge myself to disappear from social networking sites completely. I'll have to start slowly, like someone using the nicotine patch....wean myself off for just a few days....then for a week....then a month.... Maybe I could start using again.....maybe....but moderation is the key to anything...just one time wont hurt, right? RIGHT!?
I feel like with the popularity of Facebook and Twitter on the rise (or peaking as it were) that the old fashioned blogs are disappearing. I realize that as I type this I'm making a post on "Blogger" BUT I've really had to force myself to write here consistently. It's so much easier to just post my 140 characters about a particular whim or emotion (or food) and be done with it. These sites are really taking away the core creativity that has driven my writing for so many years. I have fallen into the "Instant Gratification" generation without even realizing it!!
My witty repartee has become idiotic posts about "I'm feeling down today." What has happened to me?! I used to write these epic drafts about emotion, or a nagging thought, or a funny story, wrought with detail and forethought. I feel almost like a failure, but I realize that I'm just another Facebook and Twitter addict.
I'm thinking I should challenge myself to disappear from social networking sites completely. I'll have to start slowly, like someone using the nicotine patch....wean myself off for just a few days....then for a week....then a month.... Maybe I could start using again.....maybe....but moderation is the key to anything...just one time wont hurt, right? RIGHT!?
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Spring has sprung
It's been quite a while since I updated my blog...I've been a bad blogger. Oh well, there hasn't been much to write about to be honest. Work has gotten busy again, and it's beginning to get warmer outside. Yesterday was fabulous weather-wise!
We went out into the back yard to survey our property for the first time since moving in and one of our neighbors was cooking something that smelled delicious! Oh how I wish I could cook...! I've noted several times that I am challenged domestically, and this includes cooking. I'm inept around a stove. I can cook up boxed meals, but when it comes to anything remotely fresh, I'm an under-educated idiot! My mom blames herself for my lack of domesticity...I can't blame her wholly, because I never asked to learn!
I realize that I throw around the word "domestic" a lot. Please don't misunderstand my use of that term. I'm not wanting to be Mrs. Happy-Homemaker-Stay-At-Home-Wife, quite to the contrary, I'm a very independent professional woman, but I also realize that the way that I eat is not exactly conducive to a healthy lifestyle! Processed foods are the bane of the "American Life" and have contributed greatly to the obesity that this country (and now much of the world) is facing. Believe it or not, I was much healthier when my mom would make hamburgers and fried potatoes for dinner several nights a week. Much healthier than I am now with my Lean Cuisine lunch and frozen "Bertolli" dinner.
Anyway, I want to cook, but I've had so many disasters in the kitchen that it almost seems not worth wasting the groceries! I remember the Crock Pot Chicken Curry incident of 2008...not good. Or the Pot Luck Lasagna incident of 2009....I took all but the spoonful that I ate home, and let it get moldy in the fridge.
I need to just get over my fear and get back on the proverbial horse (or cast iron skillet....as it were).
We went out into the back yard to survey our property for the first time since moving in and one of our neighbors was cooking something that smelled delicious! Oh how I wish I could cook...! I've noted several times that I am challenged domestically, and this includes cooking. I'm inept around a stove. I can cook up boxed meals, but when it comes to anything remotely fresh, I'm an under-educated idiot! My mom blames herself for my lack of domesticity...I can't blame her wholly, because I never asked to learn!
I realize that I throw around the word "domestic" a lot. Please don't misunderstand my use of that term. I'm not wanting to be Mrs. Happy-Homemaker-Stay-At-Home-Wife, quite to the contrary, I'm a very independent professional woman, but I also realize that the way that I eat is not exactly conducive to a healthy lifestyle! Processed foods are the bane of the "American Life" and have contributed greatly to the obesity that this country (and now much of the world) is facing. Believe it or not, I was much healthier when my mom would make hamburgers and fried potatoes for dinner several nights a week. Much healthier than I am now with my Lean Cuisine lunch and frozen "Bertolli" dinner.
Anyway, I want to cook, but I've had so many disasters in the kitchen that it almost seems not worth wasting the groceries! I remember the Crock Pot Chicken Curry incident of 2008...not good. Or the Pot Luck Lasagna incident of 2009....I took all but the spoonful that I ate home, and let it get moldy in the fridge.
I need to just get over my fear and get back on the proverbial horse (or cast iron skillet....as it were).
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Things are looking up
So it's day 5 since I started taking my meds for the hypothyroidism. I have talked to a lot of people about it, and it turns out that quite a few people in my life also have this condition. Many within my immediate family. I had no idea that there was a family history of this. I would have helped to know, but at least I found out now rather than years from now with much worse symptoms!
I can already feel the affect in my energy level. I actually feel awake right now, I don't feel like all I want to do is go to sleep. It's sad to say that it's strange to feel good. All three days this week I've woken up before my alarm and not cursed at the clock. It feels good not to wish for more sleep all the time. I still have trouble staying awake in the evenings. I've been slowly working back up my tolerance. Last week my bedtime was 7:30pm (yes, that is sad), but last night I stayed awake until almost 9:30pm, quite a difference.
I'm excited for the next several months to see what else lies ahead.
I can already feel the affect in my energy level. I actually feel awake right now, I don't feel like all I want to do is go to sleep. It's sad to say that it's strange to feel good. All three days this week I've woken up before my alarm and not cursed at the clock. It feels good not to wish for more sleep all the time. I still have trouble staying awake in the evenings. I've been slowly working back up my tolerance. Last week my bedtime was 7:30pm (yes, that is sad), but last night I stayed awake until almost 9:30pm, quite a difference.
I'm excited for the next several months to see what else lies ahead.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Tales of an Under-Active Thyroid
Two days ago I went to the doctor for a weird heart palpitation. After doing an EKG, and finding nothing weird, he decided to run a series of blood tests to rule out other causes. I got the results back yesterday, and apparently I have hypothyroidism.
Being me, I jumped on the internet and started doing my research, I found a list of symptoms that made me want to cry with relief. Everything I've been feeling for the past 2-3 years (really more like 5, but I can't totally prove that) all makes sense suddenly: the extreme fatigue, irritability, depression, lack of concentration, weight gain (or in my case, weight gain then difficulty getting it off), feeling constantly cold....it's all there, described by this one little thing. Amazing!
But, as with most good things, there's a catch. The catch for me: I'll be on meds for the rest of my life. It's kind of weird to think that at the age of 27 (which I don't feel is very old at all), that I'm already joining the ranks of those who have to have those pill cases that they carry around with them everywhere. This catch is where, despite feeling relief that there really IS something wrong with me, I start to freak out a little. It's a lifelong commitment now. Now I have to go to the doctor regularly to get blood work done, where before I'd only go in for anything out of the ordinary, like a toe nail infection or an ear ache.
Yes, it's annoying, but I'm still happy to have answers. I'll be sure to keep updated how it all works out. I'm hoping in a couple of months I'll start feeling a little better!
Monday, January 25, 2010
NaNo Fail and a New Beginning
Yeah, so NaNoWriMo '09 was a huge fail on my part. I dropped the ball again, and did awful. I can use any number of my ready-made excuses, but I refuse to, I will own my failed attempt this year, as part of a character flaw that I have always had: I don't finish things that I start.
BUT! Wino and I are the proud owners of shiny new home! We've been in for just over a month. As I type that, I'm amazed because it really feels like we've been in longer than just 35 days. At the same time, though, it still feels weird coming and going from this place. Everytime we leave, we sigh and say "we own this place..." in disbelief.
It's been a busy month though, the move went smoothly, and we've unpacked most of the boxes. Only a few things got lost (and are still unaccounted for).
El Diablo and I squared off again this weekend. I threatened to throw him out of the window. The thread kept bunching up in the bobbin and, being unskilled at domestic things, I could not figure out how to keep it from doing that. After my threat though (and a good shouting match), he recognized defeat and on we went sewing. I'm nearly done with the top of the quilt for my oldest niece (which was meant to be a gift for this Christmas, but will actually be for next). The best laid plans....right?! When I started the quilt, buying a house had not even occured to me or Wino, so once we moved to the intirim place my sewing supplies got misplaced. All for the better, I suppose, it'll give me a year to get it finished (and I WILL finish!).
BUT! Wino and I are the proud owners of shiny new home! We've been in for just over a month. As I type that, I'm amazed because it really feels like we've been in longer than just 35 days. At the same time, though, it still feels weird coming and going from this place. Everytime we leave, we sigh and say "we own this place..." in disbelief.
It's been a busy month though, the move went smoothly, and we've unpacked most of the boxes. Only a few things got lost (and are still unaccounted for).
El Diablo and I squared off again this weekend. I threatened to throw him out of the window. The thread kept bunching up in the bobbin and, being unskilled at domestic things, I could not figure out how to keep it from doing that. After my threat though (and a good shouting match), he recognized defeat and on we went sewing. I'm nearly done with the top of the quilt for my oldest niece (which was meant to be a gift for this Christmas, but will actually be for next). The best laid plans....right?! When I started the quilt, buying a house had not even occured to me or Wino, so once we moved to the intirim place my sewing supplies got misplaced. All for the better, I suppose, it'll give me a year to get it finished (and I WILL finish!).
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