I cleaned off my desk, which is SO much nicer than my writing hole last year (literally a hole in the boxes with a used desk in a random bedroom). This is my new desk space:

Looks nice dontcha think? Technically my desk is in the hallway (it's a built-in we had made special just for me!) so I'm concerned about noise pollution....we'll see how this works out. Next year I may have to dedicate the guest bedroom to my writing so I can close the door.
I'm not too sure how much I will use the typewriter, but I'm going to try it. I need to get some cartridges for it though. It was a lovely inheritance, and I appreciate Wino's mom for letting me take it home. I know it's also a nice memento for Wino of his grandparents.
This year I'm feeling much more confident that I can hit 50K words. I have this great high coming off completing the C25K program. That was probably one of the hardest things I've ever done, so if I can get off my butt and get around to running a 5K, I can certainly write 1667 words a day to win this thing this year!
Ok, race day is tomorrow, and I'm much too excited to think any more about NaNoWriMo....after tomorrow I'm going to get down to business and do some serious plotting. I've been lax this year, so hopefully my novel wont end up being mostly passages from the Dares thread!