Thursday, November 11, 2010

NaNoWriMo Day 11 (noon update)

Word Count: 18,752

Shazam!  Just like that I'm back on track!  I still intend to get a little ahead tonight at the write-in.  I love my novel so much.  But I need a break for a couple hours!  I'm in the ZONE today!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

NaNoWriMo Day 10 (mid-day update)

Word Count: 15,043

It's an amazing thing when the story you're writing suddenly sprouts legs and just starts running in a completely opposite direction than what you had originally planned.  Sometime around Day 8 this happened to me.  I'm typing along, sort of mindlessly, and my fingers just randomly throw in this tertiary character, who I knew nothing about when I started this novel.  I start to develop this character and her relationship with my main character (who started out as my secondary character).  My main character has suddenly developed into a "love interest" though I'm still telling his story as well.

I LOVE this about writing!  How unpredictable it can be, how you have the choice, with the letters your fingers are creating to shape an entire world into existence where none had been before, or even been planned for creation!  I'm loving my novel, I love my characters, I love the people they're becoming, I love how they look at the world.  This is really the first year that I have enjoyed pulling up a chair to my novel and pounding out a few thousand words before going to bed.  I look forward to it.  It's the feeling I get when I'm reading a really good novel, I just don't want to put it down.  I must though, I must.  I don't want to get burned out, I want to keep this excitement alive.  I'm still limiting myself to writing only the minimum required day-to-day, and I really feel like my story is coming alive this year!  Yay!

Monday, November 8, 2010

NaNoWriMo Day 8 (Evening Update)

Word Count: 13,569

G'Day everyone!  Or rather good evening!  This week will be all about writing in the evenings for me.  During the day I'm so busy replying to students' emails that I just can't bring myself to type away at my story at lunch.  My poor lil' fingers need a break!  I managed to pull off 1,667 words even tonight.  Yay!  Slow and steady!