Friday, December 10, 2010

Mulling....but not cider

I've been in a thinking mood the past couple days.  I got some serious interest in my crafts from some of the girls at work and I'm wondering if maybe I should start an Etsy page...  I thought about just starting my own business, but really, that's a lot of work and effort for something that may or may not take off.  At least Etsy is just $0.20 to list initially.  It's affordable, and if things don't sell in the 4 months they're up there, then so be it.  It wasn't meant to be.

I need to get some stock compiled, which means this wouldn't be launched until after the first of the year. 

I think this needs some more mulling....

Monday, December 6, 2010


I ordered a couple holiday-esqe candles from Gold Canyon and I got them today.  They smell fantastic and I can't wait to fire those critters up when I get home today!  I got Mulled Cider and Spruce & Citrus.  Now our house will actually smell like a x-mas tree (since my fake tree, sadly, is not scratch & sniff).

On another positive note, I finished the final square for Niece #1's afghan on Saturday!  Now I'm in the process of blocking the suckers so that the afghan will be a nice neat rectangle with no puckering when I sew it together.  Actually, my mom will be helping me sew it together this weekend.  Thank goodness she volunteered, otherwise I might not have it done in time.

I've started working on a hat from Lion Brand Yarn for Salt for X-mas, here's what it'll look like when it's finished:

Cute, no? 

It's going to be this color:

The color is really a lot prettier in person.  There's flecks of yellow in there.  To be honest, though, this cap is a pain in the butt.  I'm terrible at keeping count while I'm crocheting because I'm usually watching TV or something else that requires brain cells... this is taking many brain cells and stitch markers to complete.  But that's ok, it's worth it, and if I like it, I'm going to even make myself one!

I've still got to get a shawl done for my sister before the 26th....time is a-tickin'.  I just wish I could crochet at work (other than at my lunch break), that would help me get a lot more done! Ha!