Here we are: April you remember what was supposed to happen today? Naturally I do. I was supposed to have my NaNoWriMo '10 novel finished and ready for editing today.
Yes, I failed, but I have justified reasoning and actually changed my game plan about half way through April. After struggling to pick the story back up, I realized that the rear end of my story was so full of fluff and padding for November's end of month scramble that it was impossible to continue without editing first.
I have to figure out where my story really leaves off and where the BS begins. So, I've been going through this entire time and actually reading what I wrote (what we're not supposed to do in November) and editing as I go. This process is much harder than I had expected, but then this is the first time that I have ever made it to this point in the novel writing process. It's hard, but exciting!