Here's what we've got on the table today: Knitting updates, stash updates, NaNoWriMo (!!), and running news.
Knitting updates:
1) Red Scarf Project scarf is complete!

It turned out beautiful, if I do say so! I'm so in love with this pattern that I'm going to make up one for myself in a different color. That will have to wait until after the first of the year though.
Once my mom finishes up her scarves we'll pack them up and ship them off.
2) I started on Chicka's scarf. I'm not 100% convinced I will make her a beanie, nor am I 100% convinced I'll make Girly a scarf....we'll see (I'll explain in the next line item) though Girly will still get her mitts.

I'm making it in the same yarn that I made Chicka's mitts in, that way she has a matching set. I'm using the Teaching Scarf pattern from Ravelry. It's a simple pattern and that's what I was looking for.
3) After I finished the Red Scarf Project scarf (and rather than casting on another X-mas present!!) I decided to join a Lion Brand Knit-along. We're making the Modern Lodge Pullover sweater. It's my first endeavor into sweater-dom....and I'm nervous and excited. I chose to use Lion Brand Wool-Ease yarn in the Forest Green Heather colorway. The suggested yarn was way too expensive for my taste, so I went for "quality cheap" instead.
4) Halloween! I have my Minion hat complete! I just need to crochet the accessories then I'm ready to go!

That's it as far as knitting is concerned. There has been little to no progress on Salt's scarf, but I do have a funny story for that one. Just this past Sunday, while we were celebrating Wino's birthday, she made it known that she wants to go back to the shop we got her Malabrigo yarn from to get more so I can make her a matching scarf and hat....I told her it would have to wait until after the first of the year because of X-mas knitting....little does she know...teehee!
Stash Updates:
I went on a bit of a shopping spree at JoAnn's a couple of weeks ago.
1) I wanted to get sweater quantities of a yarn to make my sweater so I got 8 balls of the Lion Brand Wool-Ease in Forest Green Heather.
2) I also got 2 skeins of Red Heart for my Halloween project this year: I'm going to make Minion hats for me and Wino (if you've ever seen Despicable Me, you'll know what I mean, if not...look it up!). One in Yellow and the other in black to frame their goggles, I'm going to borrow some white from my mom.
3) I got some fluffy pink yarn for Girly's mitts.
4) And finally, I picked up 2 skeins of Wool Ease in a deep grey for my brother-in-law's scarf and hat set.
That should just about cover all of my X-mas knitting for this year!!
This topic is soon to make it's way to the top of my updates....or just be the update by itself. You all know that this takes over my blog in November! The countdown has begun: less than a week left until NaNoWriMo '11 begins!
I already have my plot generalized, and my title picked out: The Not-Your-Average-Vampire-Novel Novel.
Love it! The plot came to me in a dream. You see, I used to love one particular vampire series (which shall not be named for fear of being a plague upon my house, but let's just say it isn't the Sookie Stackhouse novels that I speak of). Yes, I read all 4 of these Books-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named, and absorbed every word. Then I came to my senses and realized they were just drivel and not worth my time. So I shall write the antithesis to these books this year for NaNoWriMo. It will be comedy gold!
Running News:
I'm sorely disappointed with myself on this front! I was short on dough near the end of September, and the deadline to sign up for the half-marathon walk was Sept 30 (the day I got paid), and I had intended to sign up for the walk that day....I wasn't feeling well, and totally forgot. Now the price rose by $25 and frankly that's just too steep for my budget. So, no half-marathon for me.
As yet I'm still unsure if I will run this year's 5K Race for the Cure. I sort of just want to walk with my family this year, since none of them run with me. We'll see.
So that's all the updates folks. Catch ya on the flip side!