Before I begin panicking over November being literally tomorrow, here is a picture of my Halloween costume.

I'm SO happy with the way it came out! I'll wear it tonight to pass out candy. I thought about wearing it at work, but decided not to. I just took it to show off :)
So now to the November panic: I frantically cleaned off my desk yesterday in anticipation of the day. I'll start writing tomorrow during my lunch break. When NaNo starts on a Friday or Saturday I usually sit up until Midnight to start, but when it's during the week, I just can't manage it.
Writing at work means not knitting at work, but that's ok. I'm pretty well caught up with the holiday knitting, plus there's always Knitter's Anonymous on Wednesday nights to get stuff done.
Starting tomorrow I'll try to post daily word-count updates and thoughts on writing. I know I say that every year, and last year I nearly did it. I'm going to try again this year, though. I don't give up that easily.
I love attending write-ins, but I'm not sure how many there will be that I can attend this year. I went to the kick-off party, which was fun (especially when I could finally say that I reached 50K last year, that got some applause). We'll see what my busy schedule will support.
Amongst all this crazy, I (for some unknown-ungodly-reason) decided to make Thanksgiving dinner this year at our house. So besides cleaning off my desk, I also started planning my menu, it's looking good....but is also looking like a lot of work. That's ok! I'm up for the challenge.
So welcome everyone! Please enjoy my scatter-brained, nutty posts for November, and have fun watching me drive myself insane! Catch you tomorrow for Update #1!!!
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