Thursday, October 23, 2008


This blog has been specially set up to document my month of writing for NaNoWriMo. I have actually participated since '06, but since I was right in the middle of grad school, I never really got past 5K. This year, since I no longer have school to burn up my time, I have a renewed sense of "I must do this for me!" So it's going to be a month of H-E-double toothpicks, if I do say so.
This year I've also had time to prep, and actually have some storyline plots and characters already in development. It's great! By the way, Google Notebook is awesome for doing such things! I found out about it (along with Q10) on the NaNoWriMo forums. Handy-dandy little things they are!
So that concludes my introductory statements, oh wait! The title for my blog! I need to explain. My two favorite things, which really brighten my day, are rainy days & soup. They really go hand in hand, especially for the month of November! Sadly I don't live where it rains too often, but when it does, I'm a happy camper.
So, let the countdown begin to November 1!

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